When God did lead the Israelis
thru the wilderness.
it took many years
from disobedience.
They wandered 40 years
in a space of land
that must be very small
as we see on a map.
And tho it seems impossible,
yet we wander too
when we can't see the light
or don't know what to do.
And many years may lie between
if we do leave his way
in a wilderness of soul
and wasteland of dismay.
But when the path is given us
we joyful travel on,
glad to leave behind us
the bad days that are gone.
Until we're flowing in his will
we'll never find our way,
however short the distance,
as he illustrates.
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Flow into the Will of God
Flow into the will of God
for often in our prayers
we ask for something for ourselves,
not his will waiting there.
We ask he do things our way
instead of doing his
which is the only way
that ever did exist.
Flow into his spacious will
becoming one with God
on a lifelong journey
only he knows of.
For as a river or a stream
flows along each day,
destiny unknown
but on the heavenly way.
So to melt our life in his
and just his will be done,
we're carried on the current
of his will for us.
And as the time progresses,
his spirit fills our heart,
we find a heavenly value
of which we are a part.
For he says he is the way
to eternal life,
carried on the current
of what he says is right.
Thy will be done we always say
when we say our prayers
and never should forget about
the meaning carried there.
So flow into the will of God
as it was meant to be
on that long, long journey
to eternity.
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Do Only the Saints Go to Heaven
The saints are chosen by the church
and studied carefully,
checking every smallest point
for its validity.
And tho the church be Catholic
that we usually know,
other countries have their saints
most holy here below.
But there are many humble
surely close to God
hidden in the folds of life
but are never heard of.
And tho there's inspiration
in the saints of yore
I'm sure that yet in real life
there are many more.
For no one can sift out
all the souls of men
but they are just examples
which happen now and then.
And they know that truly
they can't always tell
which of us are saints or not
or done exceeding well.
Only God can really know
the qualities of men
tho we may make suggestions
and offer them to him.
Yogis too and sometimes monks
found in other lands
may be as close to him
as any person can.
They say there are more lifetimes
when we may try again
to live as well as we know how,
attaining what was meant.
They say that in the end
all achieve the goal
and freedom is attained
thru purity of soul.
And so it may be possible
for all of us to be
the way it was intended
for us originally.
Prayer for the Creatures
Dear Heavenly Father it's our prayer
to keep the creatures in thy care
and keep them safe from evil men
who cruelly run over them
and torment creatures at their will
that God has made and watches still.
We love to see the foxes play
beside their den by light of day
and others who do roam at night
secretly their food to find.
We love to see them run and play,
each beautiful in its own way,
created by the love and skill
continuing in thy great will.
Keep them in thy loving care
and thought of in our every prayer,
that peace between us may abide
and thy love be satisfied.
And if they suffer bend quite low
that thy compassion they may know.
And take them in thy loving care
to live with thee beyond somewhere.
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Can We Reach Heaven by Happiness
Does religion have to be
somber in intensity
and wear a dark repellant frown
forbidding darkness all around.
Is it always difficult
and filled with effort, care
and suffering abound
in endless turmoil there.
Is it necessary
to be weary, torn
and bear a heavy cross
and end up most forlorn.
Is suffering the only way
and sorrow mark the man
or can the way be happy—
I think it can.
In happiness we find
a reaching thru the dark,
reaching to the goal beyond
of heaven in the heart.
For God is light and radiance
and in a smile's glow
we find the instant answer
to happiness below.
For smiles flowing from the heart
glowing when the world is dark
do more to lift our souls on high
than all the frowns we happen by.
For bliss may come as sunlight
and rapture to the young
and loose its many treasures
on adoration.
For does heaven differ
in its quality
of innocent delight
seen in such as these.
In happiness a standard
to which we all may rise
on the very outskirts
of actual paradise.
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Thank You
Thank you for the puppy
and the gift of play
with happiness abundant
that makes a happy day.
Thank you for those moments
that are far from care
when beauty brightens up our life
that you are always there.
And brings content with where we are
for we can sometimes see
the beauty of thy world
in glimpses brief of thee.
Precious to the soul
that are its very life
thy presence speaks to us
of hope and all that's right.
Thank you for the gift of sky
and the precious rain,
sent to us from heaven,
renewing as it came.
Thank you for the quiet
that we sometimes hear,
stilling us to consciousness
and peace that thou art near.
Thank you for the cease of pain
and agony of thought
that grips us in its knotted mass
and will not ever stop.
Thank you for our rest in thee
conscious of eternity,
ever reaching to be part
of godliness within our heart.
Thank you for each glimpse of thee,
happiness that's ever free
and keeps us on a path that's true
with ever surer love of you.
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Unknown Blessings
When we say our prayers
it's always nice to add
thanks for unknown blessings
we didn't know we had.
For hidden in the folds of life
are many unknown woes
or worsening situations
that we didn't know.
I think that almost every day
we are spared somehow
misfortunes that could happen,
his mercy shining down.
And never know that they were near
or even we were spared
but in his love and goodness
we were in his care.
It may be a state of mind
that blessed us thru the day
or the safeness of our friends
living far away.
It may be the strength to bear
some evil come our way
or live until the morning
to have another day.
In many ways he blesses
tho we don't know how,
with those unknown gifts
always coming down.
So thank him for our blessings,
remembering to add
the ones that were unknown
we didn't know we had.
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Seldom in our lifetime
do we ever hear
silence stretching into space
and nothing else is near.
Now it seems unusual
but not so long ago
people heard this silence
and often it was so.
A silence heard so often
in the countryside
and made a depth of character
we don't often find.
And in ancient times
in far-off monasteries
silence of the monks
was something to be cherished.
Around their windswept mountains
on a peaceful day
silence could be heard
for many miles away.
For silence seems eternal
as it continues on
and who can say the outcome,
for it to God belongs.
Distress of weary souls,
upheavals of the world,
settle into quiet
when silence then is heard.
It strikes a tone so basic
that peace can then be found
but yet it leads us on
in its eternal sound.
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The Heavenly Father
If we dreamed a dream
as wonderful can be
it would not reach the essence
of his reality.
Every quality stands out
in its highest form
and we can never know the end
as our soul is born.
Creator of the' universe,
it was only play
in an endless power
that always fascinates.
And tho we may grow very old
we will never know
all the wonders from his hand
and gifts that he bestowed.
He tried to show us of his ways,
but man is very hard,
resisting all the things he said,
remaining in the dark.
For in a twinkling he can set
you in a barren place
if you disobey
something that he hates.
But I think he is kind
and he is loving too
and wraps up all the things
we ever dreamed were true.
And tho he knows us as we are
he's never satisfied
until we have the qualities
most precious in his sight.
And tho we seek we only know
but glimpses here and there,
for he is vast and we are small
and nothing can compare.
For in the journey of our soul
however time be tong
our Heavenly Father's always there
as we travel on.
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Comments on Modern Geology
So the world was made of stardust
and molten matter reigned
cooling to this planet
as the earth was made.
Four billion years and more
for just the earth we know,
a moment in the universe
with its endless scope.
The power of God is infinite
we know it isn't man's
and what else than power
when the world began,
a whirling mass of energy
imagine if you can.
More glory be to God
as space and time increase
beyond we ever knew
the magnitude of these.
And wonder ever opening
upon the world he made
so intricate its treasures
that over time displayed.
And power was toned down
o'er several billion years
as the earth was cooling
and a crust appeared.
Later they were continents
on a molten sea
drifting and colliding
And land that rose and land that sank
appeared and disappeared
its history written in the rock
which makes the changes clear.
And steam within the atmosphere
came down again as rain
filling all the oceans
and depths of the terrain.
And life began within the sea
with only tiny cells
changing and diversifying
over time as well.
And as millenia did pass
turned into a leaf,
a miracle in time
unsought beyond belief.
And so from when the earth began
in a whirling mass
thru continual process
life did come to pass.
Some say that tho God started it
he was not within
the process that descended
and which followed it.
It really doesn't matter
which may be your view
the miracle's the same
and awe inspiring too.
If he foresaw the changes
when the world began
it's just as much a feat
as to preside o'er them.
For in whatever form we see,
power or smallest entity,
in as far as thought will go
God is more than ever know.
More powerful and vaster yet
than they ever knew
or in the smallest thing we see
wonder wrought anew.
The tiniest little shell
or smallest little leaf
is wonderous and beautiful
beyond belief.
So stupendous is it all
and vast to comprehend
some devote their lives to it
searching without end.
The more they know the truer be
they bow in rapt amazement
and spend their life to search his realm,
determined fascination.
We say God is all powerful
as at the stars we gaze;
more powerful the telescope
the more we are amazed.
Or things that are minute
that can be seen today
and molecules and atoms,
still they are amazed.
For we know more difficult
the small is than the large
or tones so soft and deftly
in every form of art.
And so from very powerful
to things quite undetected
all are his own handiwork
in vastness uncollected.
For God enwrapped in mystery
everything he made
uncovered with a microscope
or seen way out in space.
And when the newest satellite
passed another planet
took pictures thru the atmosphere
of the solid mass
and found that it obeyed
no laws that now are known
or perhaps perpetuates
some secrets of its own.
So mystery continues
yet in outer space
and even just a glimpse of it
renews their avid taste.
If we come from the universe
and to its heart return
accounting for incessant
soul for which we yearn.
And all our joy and happiness
are written oh so high
and every dream eternal
held there when we die.
And may pass on in spirit
to even higher forms
as yogis reach the light
and .the soul is born.
Far enough evolved
that we may attain
freedom in our lifetime
which they can explain.
Freedom of the soul
from all earthly thrall
thru the laws of spirit
eternal for us all.
And of the very greatest
wonders they do tell
of eternal bliss
on the path they know so well.
So the world was made of stardust
and still it's in our eyes
as greatness of the universe
we come to realize.
For knowledge does not take away
but each new thing exalts
the wonder of the universe
amazement unequalled.
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Beauty is the gift of God
to cherish all our life
a blessing from his hand
and a guiding light.
It stands for everything we love
most precious in our sight,
moments to remember,
highlights of our life.
Inspiring and delightful
wherever it is found,
we lived unto that moment
when beauty did abound.
Beauty is impression
of a lasting kind,
just to catch a glimpse
of something that's divine.
Whether in a person
or the falling rain
we catch a glimpse of exquisite
and never are the same.
There's beauty in the morning
and beauty in the night,
peering in the darkness ,
infinity glides by.
There's beauty in the sunlight
and beauty in the rain
caressing oh so gently
the trees and leaves again.
There's beauty in a softness
or yet a wild storm,
whipping all the branches,
raging all the more.
There's beauty in a tenderness
or yet a soft caress
in a night of peace
and quiet contentedness.
There's beauty in a kindness
where the heart bends low
to soothe away a pain,
to help another soul.
For it seems that kindness
and softness thru and thru
often heal another heart
from shadows overdue
and may be awakening
of something never known
to find in simple kindness
compassion that is shown.
And in quiet graciousness
toward another soul
compassion reaches out
and kindness makes them whole.
And caring melts the pain away
and makes the vision clear
and life is carried oh again
as if this person near.
And priests may have the power
a vision to evoke
and fill the space ahead
with glimpses of the soul.
In their very being
some may make us feel
the presence of a higher way,
actual and real.
Impression that is gained
if ever we do see
even one such person
is made indelibly.
It may change our life,
our thoughts or yet our goal
in the highest search
of spiritual abode.
In the sanctuary
of an enlightened one
or only in its replica
an awe is swift begun
and leads to fascination
that will not let us go
and never do forget that deep
impression on our soul.
To lead a life by beauty
and inspiration there
is ever moving onward
as in a hushed prayer
to see where beauty leads,
to follow where she goes
and with the saints of every age
to acquiesce below.
In religious works of art,
expressions of divine
and in temples, monasteries,
aspirations find.
Our heart is stirred by wonder, awe
at how they did create,
expressing in their temples, art
their message thru the age.
In the Buddhist temples,
the carvings and reliefs,
the greatest awe surrounds them,
a quiet antiquity.
In the largest temples
we often stand amazed
at these monuments in stone,
heavy, green with age.
And in the monasteries
of many different kinds
we can sense their atmosphere
and their sacred life.
Where the monks within
in solemn meditation
went about their lives
in deepest dedication.
And in the vast cathedrals
of an early age
devotion yet of centuries
clearly is displayed.
And in these different temples
sometimes we find it's true
we stand in awe of God himself
who permeates it thru.
There's beauty in the Holy Books
and scriptures of each land,
held in sacred moments
that o'er the centuries stand.
Just to glimpse these sacred books
we hold in memory
a light of thought most precious,
as found eternally.
In the pictures of the texts
and art that did ensue
a world of fascination
opens to pursue.
In the ancient chants and hymns
we find thru thousands years
the plaintive beat of longing
ceaseless that we hear.
And as this endless plea persists
a fascination grows
to be a witness in our life
of worship very old.
Of course there are so many ways
that beauty may appear
and God upon the threshold
holding it quite near.
The blessings that are given us
may be frequent, rare
but added to our treasures
tell us God is there.
Beautiful is joy,
expansion of the soul
in a kind of radiance
and a sudden glow.
There's beauty in exuberance
when we shout for joy
and life is running over
full and unalloyed.
And God in all his wisdom
gave to children, men
a childlike love of play
happy, innocent.
In those magic hours
freely to pursue
the wonders all around us
which fill our heart anew.
For life may be like climbing
upon a mountain path
until we reach a vantage point
where we can see at last.
And we may see the sunset
or we may see the dawn
or beautiful surroundings
leading ever on.
And glimpse among the beauty
we have ever known
another treasure of our life
we can call our own.
And all along our travels,
all along our way
many kinds of beauty
constantly await.
We know the yearning beauty
of a misty day,
the searching and the longing
that in our heart do play.
To catch a glimpse of something
and everything is gone
in never ceasing motion
slowly moving on.
An atmosphere of mystery
pervading all the air,
a sense of the unknown
moving everywhere.
We seek to hold in memory
the fascinating play
sliding one by one
to cover or display.
For I believe in beauty
leading us beyond,
beauty that persuades us
of the love of God.
Qualities intangible
beyond what we can see
draw us unto beauty
And find that it is heaven
set before our eyes
in never-ending beauty
the same as paradise.
In the greatest beauty
we find that it dissolves
and becomes as one with God,
the greatest of them all.
Here perfection has no end
in space or yet in time,
but everywhere beholding God
in endless life sublime.
Or finding in the beauty of
a clear and precious dawn
peering over scattered clouds
as they move along
and catch the growing color
until the sky is full
in miracle of birth
amazing, wonderful.
Or falling from the heavens
to set man's heart at rest,
drops of rain so beautiful
for fields and thirstiness.
For life itself can never do
without the grace of rain
or water hidden deep below
in the vast terrain.
Our heart is full of gratefulness
and life is set anew,
dancing in the raindrops
our soul to renew.
The forests and the mountains,
each one has its tone
and special kind of beauty
as new as it is old.
Each one has a message
too varied to explain
as leafy branches of the trees
greet the sun or rain.
And in the laden boughs
of the pine or fir
the variations of their lives
we can just infer.
And in the many traces
of their history
we find beneath the ground
earth as reliquary.
In the mountain streams
or in the placid plains
the facets yet of water
too varied to be named.
Clear and cool and rushing
in spirit unrestrained
or yet in quiet stillness
in pools and lakes unnamed.
Or maybe just a pond
that's made for happiness
where little frogs jump in
and rushes do caress.
Or creatures of the woodlands
who always love to play,
hidden in the meadows
or cool mountain lakes.
It may be a chipmunk
or deer or yet an elk.
We find in hours of watching
we like it like ourselves.
In motion of the creatures
we find a symphony,
the loping of the tiger
beautiful to see.
Each and every movement
a beauty to behold
in grace that is continuous
and newly does unfold.
There's beauty in these movements
that's of a lasting kind,
impression of a meaning
standing out in time.
And when they are quiet
or lying fast asleep
a beauty wraps around them,
grace unconsciously.
I think the creatures look to Him
in living day by day
in quiet, peaceful oneness
their creator made.
When God does speak to us
in things that he has made
it's closest in our lives
to heights we ever came.
Whether in the sunrise
or in a soft caress,
impression everlasting
on our consciousness.
For longing may beset us
but yet these treasures fall
swift and unforeseen,
expected not at all.
We may hope in a lifetime
a certain gift to hold
but yet they fall in calmness
to a waiting soul.
We feel the deepest gratitude
whenever they appear,
unsought and unannounced
but suddenly quite near.
Beauty leads us on
in our inner soul,
the things we hold and cherish
until we are quite old.
For beauty will sustain us
in most trying times,
nurturing arid leading us
thru hardship in our lives.
Precious in our memory
and precious to our soul,
beauty leads us onward
when nothing else consoles.
Reaching toward its essence,
seeking the divine,
in the memory of our heart
its happiness we find.
We cherish all these treasures
above the might of men,
the blessings of our lives
and what each moment meant.
And count the value of our lives
in all these many things
and say our prayers in gratitude
for beauty that God brings.
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