Touch of God IV - part 2

Our Life
Our life whirls 'round the human,
our motives and our dreams.
We hasten here and hasten there,
all man-made it seems.

Packed within the cities
we hardly ever see
anything but people
and buildings and machines.

All of it unnatural,
but all we've ever known,
cut off from the world of God
and peacefulness of soul.

And reinforce our values with
approval by each other
as the only guiding light
that shines amid the clutter.

While some may think more basically
in terms of naturalness,
most go with the current
and on and on are swept
into values human
filling all the space
of their life's capacity
in the human race.

And like the ocean lapping,
the tide keeps coming on
of human values endlessly
and then our God is gone.
The pressure of our life
is not conducive to
quietness, reflection,
and peace we often lose.

The values of the soul
are often torn away
in the rush and turmoil
of the average day.

And so while we would like to be
yet closer to our God,
we find that he is often lost
amid the myriad.

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The Prayer Inside
Desires of the heart,
more real and more true,
are never just the same
as the words we use.

If we pray without the words
and the words aren't said,
we find a deeper layer
of what was really meant.

For underneath the words we find
desires of every kind
and hatred and revenge
often lie inside.

Dismaying as it is,
we work to see it thru,
till hatred is dissolved
on the inside too.

Also when we're silent
we can usually see
a welling up within
of conflicts, difficulties.

Sometimes they are different
than things for which we pray
and it causes conflict,
worry and dismay.

In deepest moments of despair
words never find their way:
we find that we are wordless
and can't think what to say.

Our greatest needs are wordless
but all desires inside
burn on and on within us
and will not subside.

Whenever this occurs
the best thing then to do
is give it up to God
for him to look it thru.

If we place within his hands
our life as it may be
it's always for the better,
improving gradually.

And all desires, conflicts
lying underneath
are brought unto the Father
to heal as he sees.

He says he knows the things we need
before we ever ask
and we can leave it up to him
to help us as he has.

So I think another prayer
is always deep inside,
so offer it to God
and bring it to the light.

We are all his children,
he knows us anyhow
and in his holy presence
a healing comes about.

In communion with our God
we try to be as one,
in awareness flowing
that is never done.

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We Suffer for Each Other
We suffer for each other
before our life is thru
whether it's in little things
or most of what we do.

Suffering goes back and forth
from one man to another
and we are never thru with it
but suffer for each other.

The man and woman suffer too
whether their intent
or whether circumstances
neither of them meant.

The pastor suffers for his flock
and they do suffer too
and parents for their children
who care not what they do.

While some may suffer more
and others may be less
some pain is foreign to us
and causes great distress.

We suffer for each other
more than we can bear
and mixed with simple pleasures
often find it there.

It never seems to cease
or go away somewhere
but steady as the sun
again is always there.

We suffer for the hatred
that man has had to man,
bitterness and envy
and greed and power mad.

And those that are downtrodden
know the hate of man
and persecution endlessly
as all the ages have.

And others that are innocent
fall beneath the feet
of people who are cruel
and hateful to the weak.

Tho champions of freedom
rise to raise us all
sometimes in the aftermath
their cause again does fall.

Leaders of the soul
choose another way.
They say do not resist
the evil comes your way.

Bear ye one another's burdens
many of them preach
with patience and endurance
that life itself may teach.

Embedded in the roots of life
are many kinds of pain
that never seem to go away
but rise up just the same.

For in the many layers of time
can we say we reached
a way to end all misery
as actual or as preached.

For heroes rose in many ways
but endless time went on
and still we reach anew
to righten all the wrong.

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Long Suffering
Long suffering is a thought
that all of us avoid
in a land that's geared
to happiness and joy.

We don't want sight or scent of it
or any of it show
or ever catch up with us
as on our way we go.

But sometimes it does happen
it comes upon us too
as we get tangled in the mess
below the glittering, new.

It used to be respectable
to suffer for a cause,
a value deeply set
which we have largely lost.

Life was very difficult
for everyone alike
and people suffered anyway
in centuries gone by.

A concept in the church,
long suffering remained
a standard yet of love
and enduring pain.

Some people who are older
have this value yet
and weathered many storms
with endurance set.

But in our land today,
geared to happiness,
long, continued suffering
brings scoffing at the best.

We never think of difficulties
on the day we're wed
but they come anyway
and happiness has fled.

And while the Bible glorifies
its presence in our fife,
to find someone who would agree
would be much harder quite.

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The Beatitudes and Modern Society
The ten commandments mostly
tell what not to do
but greatest beauty lies
in the beatitudes.

It tells us what he loves
and which way is best
of qualities of soul
natural or in stress.

The poor in spirit are the first
he mentions on the way
and they who mourn remembered
in the list he gave.

He loves the pure in heart
and those who seek his way
and hunger for what's right
as they live each day.

If these are overpowered
as may be any time,
he gives his blessing to us
for following the right.

We also notice in them
his blessing falls upon
those who were the underdog
or those who suffered wrong.

It's not the great and mighty
or those who step upon
the lesser or the helpless
as they go along.

As we think upon them
we can easily see
they are not the values
of our society
where the strong is victor
and vanquished is the foe
and everyone applauds
the heroes that we know.

But he chooses walked upon
and unassuming men
and those who suffered wrong
and he blesses them.

It's not the same as might of war
or values found in sports
or business competition
or grabbing all the more.

But it is meek and lowly
as we know he gave
God's message unto us
in just the way it came.

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The beauty of the Asian art,
far surpassing men's,
the soul's natural artlessness
lingering over them.

The Buddha of antiquity
and stature always kind,
gentle in his ways
speaks to us we find.

And tho he's quite composed
we find a smile flits
all across his face
and wonder what it is.

We find it goes above him
into space a bit
and is a part of him
and he a part of it.

And tho he may be massive
in metal or in stone
he never fails to lift us
to realms that were his own.

And so it does continue
in statues centuries old,
this noble, gracious presence
in a gentle tone.

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Estranged from God
It's easy in a city life
to get away from God
in whirlwind of activity
with which the moment throbs.

And while it may be better
to live more quietly
we may get lost again
in bleak monotony.

Our world is artificial,
most of it man-made
and so it is most easy
from God to be estranged.

We cannot find him anywhere
amid the jumbled mess
and difficulties of our lives
make a growing darkness.

The worse that it becomes,
the harder it's to see
the ever-present Father
waiting patiently.

And tho some never find him,
others are more blessed,
and find the Heavenly Father
amid their life's unrest.

And never let him go again
or get far out of sight
but try to stay within his grace
forever in their life.

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The Cathedral of Notre Dame
Standing out in history,
this lady from the past,
centuries in the making
till it was done at last.

We stand in awe and wonder
at the heavy stone
and statues stretching into space
made for them alone.

And tho the work is massive,
the details done with care,
and flooding thru the windows
a light made holy there.

A sanctuary thru the centuries
as a shelter where
people who were persecuted
could take refuge there.

Impressive thru the ages
all did come to know
this great and noble ancient work,
this masterpiece in stone.

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The Gift of Kindness
A real act of kindness
from a human hand
comes as one from God
to almost any man.

Sometimes unexpected
it comes as a surprise
and makes a sudden opening
before they realize.

There may often be
tears within the eyes
of someone strong, resourceful
whom dragons would defy.

Like a door that's stuck
and suddenly gives in
a warmth is radiating
where none had ever been.

And many times a kindness
never do forget
and are amazed at every turn
that it happened yet.

Kindness makes us happy
and often muse upon
the sudden way it happened
before the moment's gone.

For kindness freely given
with nothing asked at all
in our way of life
we don't expect at all.

Kindness is a better word
than love in many ways,
clear and solid, definite
we understand in place.

Love gets tangled up
with many different kinds
and intricate analyses
appear we often find
and books are written, “What is Love?”
and endless versions twine.

So while it's less abstract,
more fundamental, true,
all agree what kindness is
without a fuss, ado.

The kindness may be very small
but hits the proper note
and puts our thoughts on track
to meaning very old.

Only to be kind
sets the proper tone
of warmth and good intentions
that are our very own.

Kindness is a gift,
for some it is an art,
that those to whom they give it
will cherish in their heart.

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The Gift of Trees
We often take for granted
the great and noble trees
but they are a blessing
with us constantly.

And sometimes we are happy
and really don't know why
but constant presence of the trees
is a part of life.

In spring we are so hopeful
that they renew once more
and leaves will come abundantly
as they have before.

In summer they are cooling
and beautiful to see
as they stand above us
in great variety.

As the weather cools
the leaves will slowly fall
in the richest colors
that are loved by all.

In the deepest forest,
the world of just the trees,
there is a still and quietness
from which all time does flee.

And we forget ourselves
amid the stillness there
in the presence of the trees
towering everywhere.

We find that it is peaceful
and the sun is soft
as it alights upon a bough
that is high aloft.

And we may hear the wind
blowing thru the trees
or hear a little brook
bubbling cheerfully.

Values different than our own
seem important here
as if we went our own way,
abandoning what's dear.

And paths led to the city
with its man-made ways
and worlds that were our own,
that we ourselves did make.

But still there is a blessing
in the trees we find,
making us aware
of our former life.

And consciousness of happiness
that we have never known
except when we're among the trees
and we feel at home.

A blessing everywhere they're found
we can say of trees,
they mold us without knowing,
yet unconsciously.

When we are happy
it seems like heaven,
for is not heaven

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The Gift of Water
Water is the gift of life
as it comes tumbling down
and hits each leaf and blade of grass
and drenches all the ground.

I cannot understand
folks that don't like rain
as it gives its precious gift
to earth again, again.

Rain is near to life
and sometimes just the same
for we could never live
without the life of rain.

It waters all the earth
and everything that lives
and there would be no life
without this precious gift.

Water is a blessing
that freely comes from God
whether you're aware of him
or if you are not.

Those who love the water
and magic of the rain
never tire of it
or find it just the same.

Water is refreshing
in the summertime,
splashed upon the face
or cool drink we like.

Water is for play
along a mountain stream,
and run along beside it
faster than it seems.

The cool, playful water
rushing down for fun
and joy of life beside it
the same for everyone.

Or barefoot in the rain
splashing in the yard
and love the happiness it gives
immediate from the start.

Or sail little ships
upon a little sea
and think of all the things they mean
floating wondrously.

Water is elusive,
catch it if you can
and see it quickly drop away
escaping from your hand.

Water is for rain,
merciful from heaven,
giving us another chance
at living, pure and blessed.

Water is for beauty
and happiness elan:
we could not count its blessings
or hope to if we can.

A drop of water on a leaf
exquisite and clear
reflecting all the gathering light
of the atmosphere.

And waves upon the ocean shore
and patterns in the sand,
endless force and energy
to wonder if you can.

The joy we feel of rain
makes us feel inside
a beauty of a oneness
with the gift of life.

And while some may be serious
others like to play,
exalt in every raindrop
that ever comes their way.

Or listen to the raindrops
to catch every sound
happy at the moment
joyful they have found.

And listen in the dark
to music as it falls
just the same for ancient times
as it is for all.

For all the world the same
is the blessed rain
and mighty rivers rushing on
the continents do drain.

And flow into the ocean,
vast and dark and deep,
mystery of the depths
its own secrets keep.

In the pool of life
the creatures move and sleep
the only home they know
in the darkest deep.

And in the heat of sun
it does evaporate
and we have rain again
in cycles alternate.

And so the endless miracle
always does renew
and even once again
we have rain anew.

And in the blessed water,
fascinating friend,
all its many aspects
always heaven sent.

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The Gift of Light
If only once we see God's light
falling all around
we have the richest blessing
and wonder does abound.

Only once to see it
and life is made more bright,
a moment to remember
the wonder of God's light.

If only once we see a scene
always to remember—
sun upon the autumn leaves
in all their golden splendor.

Turning many colors,
falling from the trees,
lying in the sun,
those red and yellow leaves.

Only once to see them in
the mellow, pale light
and happiness abounds
at autumn's matchless sight.

Or the gift of dawn
opening our eyes
in softest grey and rose
written on the sky.

So slow we cannot wait
but suddenly it's gone
those lovely tints and hues
of early dawn.

And tiny puffs of clouds
chase across the sky
and disappear before us,
before our very eyes.

The gift of beauty in his world
who could fully say
for just as soon as one is gone
another's on its way.

And so succeeds this matchless art
as day does follow day,
endless in variety
just to appreciate.

We can give our thanks
for the gift of light
and beauty in his world
yet to realize.

We may forget to look for it
but it is always there
and never is the same way twice
but rapt beyond compare.

Spirits may be raised
at the matchless sight
and happiness abound
with cheerfulness inside.

Light is oft a standard
also for the soul,
being filled with light,
a concept very old.

Following the light
usually is another
on the path to God
for there is no other.

And yogis can be one with light
in texture very fine
or even hide behind it
very hard to find.

So light portrays the soul
and the path to God
and a state of wisdom
enlightened men know of.

If we do not understand
we still can love to see
the miracle of light
come in all its glory.

And love to see the hills and trees
standing in the sun
and like to think of heaven's light
when our days are done.

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