Love the Lord thy God, and walk ever in his ways.
Simple to remember,
simple but yet true,
to love the Lord our God,
and in all we do.
And peace will follow in this way
if we do follow him,
maybe not in worldly ways
but peace that is within.
If we walk with God
we can ever say—
our hand is in his hand,
and our way his way.
And happiness within
that we are as one,
never standing in his way
but that his will be done.
Deut. 19:9
Mother India
India is an ancient land
stretching back we find
into an unknown history
that is lost in time.
A century more, a century less
have no meaning here
where timeless is the land
and thousands are the years.
Water buffalo do plow
and carts pulled down the street
and dust it covers all the land
and villages do sleep.
Her people have the qualities
that often come with age,
compassion, understanding
and a natural grace.
Women are so lovely
in this ancient land
where the tempo's slow
and naturalness at hand.
The tempo of eternity
sets off every grace
in qualities of soul
apparent every place.
Saris worn by ladies
as far as memory goes,
colorful and graceful
and dignified we know.
There are many temples
very, very old
sacred to the people
and humbling to behold.
The Hindus and the Buddhists
both have shared this land
but most are Hindus there today
as the centuries span.
There is a deep religiousness
pervading all of life
and natural refinement
in the liquid eyes.
Poverty abounds
all thruout the land
and how the people live
is hard to understand.
Baksheesh is their cry,
something just for free
and their constant plea
is heard relentlessly.
But all the people live
with great simplicity
and only own the barest
of necessities.
Even tho there's suffering
you never can forget
this land of richest spirit
so fascinating yet.
The feel of God lies on the land
for it is very old
and in the constant worship
for centuries untold.
Life and death the cycle
are seen everywhere
and each is part of life
of which you're most aware.
Then there is the Ganges,
sacred river there
and funeral pyres along the banks
that sweeten all the air.
And towering temples on its banks
in great variety
and countless steps up to them
in an ancient city.
And on the river bank at night
you really cannot tell
which is river, which is sky
the darkness hides so well.
When slow the time and slow the pace
it has a quality of age.
A century more, a century less,
a quality of agelessness.
Centuries come and centuries go
but still she stays the same,
the tempo of eternity
giving every grace
and setting off her people
with ageless, ancient ways.
A land as close to God
as you will ever find
in your many travels
or in your own lifetime.
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If I'd Been Born in India
If I'd been born in India
no doubt I would by now
have the lore of ages
well behind my brow.
And all eternal values
fixed within my mind
and well upon the pathway
that the sages find.
Where the way is clear
on the path to God
and lifting of the soul
to realms that he is of.
And in the steady stream
onward to the goal
walking with a people
of unspoiled soul.
The wisdom of the yogis
is union seen with God
reaching in a lifetime
what we only dream of.
The purpose of their quest
they always say is this,
to be at one with God
in eternal bliss.
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The Presence of God
God is always present,
for he is everywhere
and yet we do forget
that he is always there.
If we try remembering
that he is always here
our consciousness enlightens
that he is always near.
Most of us must practice
the thought that he is here
as we are used to thinking
he's in the atmosphere.
Usually it is seldom
we feel that he is near
for we are too involved
in things that are right here.
But sometimes in the evening
we feel that he is close
and we are in the hand of God
which pleases us the most.
And then we're conscious of
his great and perfect ways
and holiness without a flaw
that yet our home does grace.
Sometimes we feel his presence
in the out-of-doors,
among the things that he has made
and love him all the more.
And even tho it may not stay
we think of it in loving way,
to not lose sight of him again
who has become our deepest friend.
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There are many kinds of faith
but one I overlooked
was in the daily life
that most of us are put.
In the middle part of life
our progress often slow,
just to earn a living
as step by step we go.
Over the horizon
we look back and see
each of these small steps
meant something actually.
Tho difficult, monotonous
yet we carried on,
walking in the dark
when the light was gone.
And looking back we see the faith
of only going on
when we lost the light
our life was built upon.
And thru the many trials
just to carry on
faith just like a muscle
finally ended strong.
So in the middle part of life
just to go ahead
is often an accomplishment
that life itself has led.
And in our living day by day
we never realized
that faith had come upon us
and took us by surprise.
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A pendant placed about an archway
that was made of stone
was made of soft brown metal
that had a pale glow.
People going into town
would see the pendant there'
and know it was of God
with softly glowing air.
It made them think of godly thought
resolving to take care
and act with godliness in town,
no evil linger there.
It seemed to read their mind
and change the way they thought
and caution any dark intent
and do the things they ought.
And so the pendant's value
increasing thru the years
was keeping people's mind on God
and nothing interfere.
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No One Knows What They Will Need Tomorrow
As we say our prayers at night
we ask for many things,
but no one ever knows
what the day will bring.
The folks in San Francisco
said a million prayers
but no one ever thought
there'd be an earthquake there.
They found the things for which they'd prayed
of no importance then
but asked a million prayers and more
he'd help them once again.
And so to leave it in his hands
and ever go his way
is the best that we can do
or best that we can pray.
At one time Gandhi walked
40 miles a'day
for something he believed,
20 miles each way.
He said it gave him time to think
and see if it did mean
as much to him as at the first
or it had gotten weak.
In a day of cars and phones
how often would we do
our kindly deeds and errands
in the way they used to.
Doctors used to go on foot
or sometimes rode a horse
to see the ill and sick
and took this way for course.
Preachers used to walk on foot
many miles thru town
to pray for someone very ill
as on God's mission bound.
They walked thru rain and snow
in the dark of night
when someone dying needed them
to set their life aright.
Now we can't be bothered,
only now and then
and do things just the easiest way
and on our way again.
The time of deep conviction
seems it's almost gone
and we take the easiest way
whether right or wrong.
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Thy Holy Face
Holy is thy face
beautiful to see
as the holy mother
precious is to me.
A radiance surpassing
all I ever knew
and never hoped to see
anyone like you.
It is enough of heaven
to wonder all thru life
what it is that glows in thee
and fascinates me too.
Qualities so rare
light upon thy face
but what they really are
I cannot easily place.
Oh holy and most blessed,
a treasure surely are
and I would be likewise
but we are far apart.
As I may never be like thee
I gaze on thee afar,
and wonder what thy sources
drawn so freely are.
When we are happy
it seems like heaven,
for is not heaven
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The Bridge of Light
It seemed there was a bridge of light
where the people passed
on the wide, sure planking
after life at last.
The people too were made of light
as well as were their clothes
as they crossed the bridge of light
in a steady flow.
Then I saw the bridge
at one time had been burned
and the rail was charred
but then the light returned.
The people too had been consumed
by something in their life
till nothing did remain
but the pale light.
The people who were passing
now were made of light
as well as all the bridge were on,
it was a bridge of light.
For having been consumed in life
by whatever means
they now were people of the light
and their own life redeemed.
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The Soul of the Andes*
Sacred in the Andes
was a giant bird
soaring in the mountains
in the strongest currents.
The soul of the Andes,
it did represent
freedom and the spirit
in diving and ascent.
And this giant bird
was without a foe
until the Spanish conquerors
many years ago.
They took the bird and tortured it
to let the natives know
it was a pagan symbol
and not a living soul.
And it is sad but it is so
these men were very cruel
and had a lesser character
than those they came to rule.
Their own religion was disgraced
by their evil ways,
not messengers of peace on earth
but goodness did betray.
But the people of Peru
never did forget
the bird they loved so much
and they loved it yet.
And in the Andes mountains
may still be found today
among the ones that love it
and watch it soar away.
*The condor
God Comes in the Evening
God comes in the evening
when all our burdens leave
and happiness ascends
surely, rapidly.
Poetic in its tone,
the evening leads us on
into happy realms ,
unhoped for to belong.
In its essence joyful,
learning can be found
in lifting of experience
where freshness does abound.
And flowing on of consciousness
as if upon a sea
appears above the waves
clearly, endlessly.
And in a realm abounding,
experience that's new
lifts us into somewhere else
that we never knew.
We know that God is there,
life far beyond our own
and sometimes have a glimpse
of other worlds unknown.
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When Solomon became the king
God asked him what he wished.
He chose an understanding heart
and God was pleased with this.
When we read the Proverbs,
Ecclesiastics too,
we see that it is written
with thoughtfulness imbued.
The virtuous woman highly praised
in her ideal form
and gives us satisfaction that
we weren't forgotten more.
His depth of thought is easily seen
as he discusses life,
the causes and the consequences
and which way is right.
Altho we seldom hear it said,
he loved philosophy,
a very early traveler
in this mentality.
They say that he loved wisdom,
and that is what it means,
given in the Greek
is philosophy.
And as we read his writings
we find a weight of thought
imbedded in the message
that was carefully sought.
And tho it doesn't matter,
we should remember too,
he said that he was black
which no one has perused.
philo— sophia
love (of) wisdom
Footnote: If Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, was Ethiopian, than Solomon would have been black.
Song of Solomon 1:5 I am black but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
Song of Solomon 1:6 Look not upon me because I am black…
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