A Touch of God III - Section I

David's Shepherd
David was a shepherd
and he said that God
was his shepherd too,
as he did lead his flock.

We often see a picture
of Christ and all the lambs,
as if he were the shepherd
and held us in his hands.

But in the time of David,
Christ had not appeared
and Lord was always God,
which is the meaning here.

Even as he led his flock
so God did lead him too
not only for his food and rest
but yet his soul renewed.

He knew that greatest wisdom
and the greatest care
led him and his sheep
and God was always there.

The shepherd of the shepherd
he followed without fear.
Thru life and death he led him
for he was ever near.

And followed him beyond this world
unto his dwelling place
to live within his kingdom
thru mercy and thru grace.

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I think of a patriarch of old
standing on a hill
and looking out upon his land
that he possesseth still.

In the trees and orchards,
pasturelands below,
the substance of his life
that he had ever known.

If the streams were running
or if drought prevailed,
the history of the land
or other tribes assailed.

He was over many men,
possessions not a few
but in the land and streams
the life they always knew.

I see him in his robes,
long and black and plain,
a character most masterful
who with time remained.

And as he gazed upon the land
it did seem most clear
it was his very life itself
growing over years.

And in him see the changes
that had over time
written in the landscape
and etched his face and mind.

He knew the landscape like his life
stretching back thru time
and he and it had grown alike,
each and every line.

It was determinedly
together that they grew,
all the many changes
like himself he knew.

And so he grew with time
and they both did change
and became as one
with character of age.

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The Ancient Way
In the old testament of Abraham
it seemed he talked directly to the Lord.
He spoke to him as would a person,
conversation and much more.

Many times he talked with God
all thruout his life,
a steady conversation
that always seemed just right.

God called him sleep or wake
and told him what to do.
He knew it was the Lord
and he hastened to.

Samuel was called by God
and heard his message too
but he was of the priests
and was expected to.

Many others in those times
also heard the Lord.
He gave them many messages
and others they were for.

In the modern day
we so seldom hear
of God who talks directly
to anyone who's near.

Maybe weVe descended
very far away
from God as is reality
in this present day.

And no one hears his voice
or answers when we pray
or ever talks to us
as in the ancient way.

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Medieval Procession
A sight we seldom do behold,
medieval life of old.
But one evening I did see
monks were passing somberly,
walking by in twos and twos
and lantern carried, every few.
All of them wore hooded robes
and at their waists there was a rope.

And they sang an ancient chant,
melancholy and lament.
And the notes were very few,
persistent in the ones they used.
It was in a minor key
haunting and quite melancholy,
centered on an ancient tone
of sadness of the life they hold
and hypnotize the mind and soul
into eternal, conscious mold
and carry to eternity
all who heard its plaintive plea.
Never ceasing, never change
or to forget would be in vain.

Impressed upon our mind and soul
the saddest life of us below
and turn and walk as slow as they
and mournful seek another way.

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Do they use horses in cancer research?
I thought I heard they did,
and make sick these gentle creatures
for nothing that they did.

Are these the same creatures
that down thru the centuries
pulled wagons and carts
and elegant carriages?

Are these the same creatures
that helped us to plow
and clear the great prairies,
pull logs for a house?

Are these the same creatures
we rode in the snow
for help for a child
to a doctor we know?

Are these the same creatures
allowed us to tame
and ride them and work them
and never complain?

It will ever be to our lasting shame
that the creatures who trusted us have cruelly lain
with an illness and sickness of great agony
in exchange for their aid to humanity.

But the Lord in himself
has let it be known
the results of this treatment
in definite tone...

"As ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren
ye have done it unto me."

Over torment and trial we seek him,
in misery and ill.
Still we seek our God,
restless, never still.

In failure and defeat,
suffering or in pain,
still we never cease
to seek his world again.

Altho our life is heavy
and difficulty reins
still we seek to see him,
that beauty once again.

If your lamp goes out
sit in the dark and wait.
Be calm and quiet
and try to meditate.

You'll find the quiet surroundings
still you from within
and with your light long gone
a deeper peace begins.

It may be sometimes
our light gets in our way
and prevents our vision
from seeing ahead a way.
Therefore lower thy lamp
and breathe a quiet sigh
and you can see the world
with an inner eye.

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You Can Aways Pray
If a situation
is endless pain to you
you can always pray
and enter that world too.

God's world is always waiting
for anyone to come
and peep into his glory,
there is no other one.

In communion with our God
more real he becomes
till this world does fade away
and his the only one.

The Gift of Forgiveness
The gift of forgiveness,
if it's given you,
or won by your own efforts
helps you see it thru.

If you've reached a barricade
of hatred and revenge,
appeal of its plea by God
an inner turmoil ends.

Even if you cannot love
a person by this way,
it neutralizes hatred
so life may make its way.

Forgiveness is an act of God
and sanctified by him;
encourages our efforts
to seek its gift to win.

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Altho She Didn't Ask
Once there was a family
who always took great care
of the eldest man
so he would linger there.

But they forgot their puppy
who was so very small
and didn't notice she was sick
tho not complain at all.

And always prayed just for the man
and forgot the pup
but she was healed anyway
and lapped her water up.

Altho it says that we may ask
it also says that he
knows before we ask
the things of which we need.

The smallest one was healed
altho she didn't ask
and Mary bent quite low
to heal her at last.

As water laps a boat
and rocks it in its hold,
so does God affect our lives
and makes his presence known.

He may set you out to sea
or leave you fast aground
but gives your life a different course
than any you had found.

He also stirs the waves of thought
and currents change their course,
not only in awareness
but with unconscious force.

And God is master of our soul,
always at the helm.
We should let him guide our life
lest waves our soul quell.

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Looking Up Yogis
Some people look up yogis
to set their life aright.
They go into the mountain tops
and look by day and night.

I say that they can see you
while you are on the plains
and if they wish to speak to you
can do so without pain.

They know what you are thinking
and where you're going to.
If it really matters
they will speak to you.

If you try to search them out
they may disappear
and even tho you look and look
never find them near.

The churches always look for something free —
their constant cry is gimme, gimme, gimme,
as if God himself would fail
if free help did not avail.

Almost beggars have become
asking alms from everyone.
When the Bible as our creed
states most clearly there indeed:

"It is more blessed
to give than receive."

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The Church*
Centuries come and centuries go
but still the church remains.
In the midst of degredation
man's hopes stay the same.

Death and poverty abound
but still the spirit's strong.
In the midst of evil
he hopes to right the wrong.

Tho God is unseen
man struggles all the more
to right the endless wrong
that all of them deplore.

When suffering is the strongest
then the spirit shines,
walking in the path of God,
reaching for sublime.

*The souls who are seeking God

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If your line is tapped
or you can't get thru,
try direct connection
with God a time or two.

He is always there
to help or comfort you,
so do not put it off
until your life is thru.

Happiness is healing
if innocent and true
and our free spirit sings
in everything we do.

We find when we are happy
it helps us to be well
and heals a limping spirit
more than we can tell.

God is not a monster
pouncing down on you
and always put his foot upon
everything you do.

He's always at your side
tho you may not see
and walks along beside
calm and quietly.

And like any father
he is happy, pleased
if you care to notice him
or you care to speak.

He is understanding,
gentle presence find.
Did not they say that he is love
and he is very kind.

"My strength is made perfect in weakness."

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Battle Hymn of the Republic
The words to this most stirring song
you never can forget
and all of them were written
by a woman yet.

It is as if a flaming sword
were thrust into the air
as a battle cry
for all the soldiers there.

To march to truth and righteousness
until all men were free
and makes us quickly realize
the depth, intensity.

Did Christ Ever Smile?
God's command that came thru Christ
was one of heart and soul,
that we love him all we can
and others as he told.

But yet in paintings I have seen
I never found the face
of Christ who's smiling anywhere
at any time or place.

Surely if he preached the love
of God and also men
we should expect the radiance
of smiles now and then.

If we're living in his grace,
our God who's love they say,
surely all his blessings
make smiles along the way.

When we receive a kindliness
or goodness comes our way
a smile's the only answer
to those his love portray.

And kindliness and goodness
and light that shines within
find an answering smile
as happiness begins.

For smiles portray the love of God
as nothing else can do
and radiance is a blessing
that weekened hearts renews.

When the children gathered
'round him as we know
he must have smiled a blessing
on their purity of soul.

For solemn visage does not mean
a weightiness of soul,
or dour, serious people more
than those who happy go.

So in the radiance of his love
let us all remain,
happy at our Father's love
and return the same.

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Did Christ have long and golden hair
the way we see portrayed,
different from the other
people of his day?

All of them were Jewish
with dark and curly hair.
Not a golden one of them
was seen anywhere.

European artists
of much later on
changed him to a Gentile,
the one that they belonged.

They made him most idealized
the way they thought he looked
that radiated loveliness
the way we see in books.

Altho it was effeminate
they must have thought that he
was golden like his aura
that came spiritually.

We find in Revelations
descriptions of him there.
It said his hair "like lamb's wool"-
(short and curly hair).

Some today may be repulsed
by his golden hair
and cannot see a man of strength
they wanted to see there.

And so the artists of the past
prolonged unknowingly
a weakened picture of our Lord
and his effeminacy.

In whatever way he looked
I think it's clear that he
did not have long and golden hair
from others differently.

We call the theory "Goldilocks"
but I doubt that he
ever looked that way at all
as he walked Galilee.

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Did Christ Wear Gorgeous Robes?
Did Christ walk the roads of old
dressed in gorgeous robes
of flowing silk and ember
trailing on the road?

When we see in pictures
Christ in lavish dress
I think that they exaggerated,
their own taste expressed.

Born in lowly stable,
a servant of his God,
I think he dressed most simply,
like the roads he trod.

For in the sun or in the rain
or cold or sudden storm
walked the roads of Galilee
at night or in the morn.

And in the mud and in the dust
they made their way along
a road for carts and animals
as well as human throngs.

And in the rugged mountains
where he prayed or preached
he had no need of gorgeous robes
to show what he did teach.

No gorgeous cloth of silk
or thin and pale thread
much too long to walk along
the rough roads they did tred.

I think he dressed more like the monks
than like the kings or queens
and with a simple dark brown robe
most frequently was seen.

Just a robe and sandals
for him who lowly born
walked the roads of Galilee
in heat or in a storm.

His disciples strictly told
no scrip or sandals take
and most of them were fishermen
not gorgeously arrayed.

My kingdom's not of this world
he said many times
and lived a life both simple
and stringent often times.

Take no thought for what you eat
or yet for what you wear
he cautioned his disciples
and sent them everywhere.

Love of God is in the heart
even as he said
and not in robes of flowing silk
in blues or yet in reds.

In meditations of the heart
let his kingdom come
and in those riches only
and not the other ones.

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I lit a candle in the night
that held my every prayer
that you'd be warm and happy
in the great somewhere.

You couldn't tell us you were cold,
or nothing we could do
but oh I beg to tell you now,
always we love you.

Did Christ Like the Animals
Well I think that he
would find in them a friend
quite as much as we.

He was born in a stable
with donkeys and sheep,
sharing their home
in rest and peace.

And laid in a manger
where animals eat
and it’s said that the animals
lulled him to sleep.

Take the pair of turtle doves,
offering Mary made,
when he was just a few days old
and to the temple came.

And when he was baptized
the spirit took the form
of a dove from heaven
on that illustrious morn.

Then there was the donkey
that carried them around
both when he was young
and in Jerusalem town.

Humility and patience
the qualities are found
and perhaps he thanked it
when he got down.

We know he liked the lambs
and thought of them a lot
and said the shepherd gave his life
in rescue of the lost.

In parables and sayings
he often used the lamb
as if they were his children
and followed a good man.
The symbol of the Christians

he chose to be a fish
and so the water animals
were also on his list.

Symbol of the early sects
they pictured it in dust,
that if some other Christian pass
they know another must.

In our country here today
we seldom see a lamb
but dogs are common everywhere
and most known by man.

I feel that he would love them
in just the way we do
or see a child's eyes to shine
at playful things they do.

His heavenly Father made them all
the creatures every one
and wishes us to love all things
that his will be done.

We see he loved the animals
from air and earth and sea
not only in themselves
but yet symbolically
and used them as examples
of how we all should be
in our journey here on earth
to be more heavenly.

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To how many homes can you repair
and find an honest workman there?
With less than others it may be
but bought with pride and dignity.

And tho some may look down their nose
it really only goes to show
we do not think the same as He
who created honestly
and who was a workman too
of life itself and endless hue.

And I like to think that He
looks down on craftsmen tenderly
and gives a special blessing t6o
to honest workmen just like you.

"A workman worthy of his hire"
a goal to which we ought aspire.

I wondered if all people
worshiped only one
God of all the universe
the same for everyone.

I heard a voice say, "See,
I will take you there,"
and I beheld a temple
in the air.

The people there were worshiping
and it was clear to see
it was a temple that was Greek
in times that were before me.

Then I saw another place
of rocks built in the sand
and a soul fervently
was praying as the last.

And in the soul he led me
from ancient times till now
to many corners of the world
I'd overlooked somehow.

And in these holy places
I found his spirit there
just the same for everyone
it mattered not just where.

I found they sought his spirit
before they knew his name,
ancient yearning and the present
all were just the same.

The heart of all the monks and priests
I found was really one.
They sought of God his essence
regardless of how done.

After this I said
They sought you everywhere
under many ways and names
only one was there.

"Chastize not any people,"
he said in sterner tone.
"They seek me eveywhere,
the spirit is their home."

He disappeared to leave me
to find him once again
my probing question answered
about the souls of men.

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In each person is a shrine,
his altar unto God,
and he keeps it polished bright
the best that he knows of.

But sometimes comes unto that shrine
an evil voice or hand —
anger, hate or malice
planned or yet unplanned
and destroys a portion
of that shrine of man.

"Forgive us our trespass" we ask,
another's soul waylaid,
and trespassed on his shrine
by night or in the day.

And so another may trespass
in hate or carelessly
and break the altar of the shrine
that time has set so preciously.

And chaos, ruin may prevail
a desecrated shrine
and while some are rebuilt
some perish over time.

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