A Lady
A lady is a compliment
some women may have felt,
lovely and expressive
of the inner self.
Gracious and alluring
in a fascinating way
we love to watch them go about
their work or yet their play.
Something in their motion,
their smile or in their ways
holds us in their spell
and seems to fascinate.
In speech she is most lovely,
considerate and kind
and listens to each soul
and consolation finds.
A lady’s how she’s treated,
this is what they say
and it has a lot of truth
even in this day.
While it’s natural with some
other have to try
but it is better with the effort –
never do say die.
And tho we cannot say
exactly what we see
it always holds our interest,
whatever it may be.
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Old Diggings
When you dig up old remains,
and pots and tools and other things,
you think, “these folks were once alive,
and somehow disappeared and died.”
And all around it’s quiet and still,
and peace decends from every hill.
In quiet, you think, “There once was life,
and people played and laughed – then died.”
This contrast here of life and death,
and life among the quietness,
makes us stop and meditate –
what as a people, holds our fate.
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It’s a joy to find at home
something you can use
instead of going out to buy
something that is new.
We used to fix up many things
that we still could use,
everything from sister’s doll
to someone’s worn out shoes.
We used to wrap the packages
with sacks and bits of string,
but alas this custom
the mail is retiring.
Still we find that every day
if we think a while
we can find another way
to fix the drain or tile.
Especially as our household grows
we gather many things.
Basement and the attic too
hold all of our remains.
So when a chance arises
if we look it thru
we may find a lot of things
forgotten and disused.
And if occasions happens
to fix something small
we may find we have on hand
what will fix it all.
Americans inventive
and even in their home
can always find another way
to fix up what they own.
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When you’ve lived at home
a very long, long time
each thing has a memory
and stories ‘round it twined.
Where you get each plant and flower
or jug or vase or stone,
really almost everything
you have come to own.
All the little treasures
people gave to us,
a story of each one
and all dear to us.
And all the cards that people sent
have a memory too
and all the happy thoughts inside,
it is hard to choose.
And all the things the kids did make
at school or Sunday school,
yarn and string and paper
they did like to do.
And made their gifts with love and care
sure they would be welcomed there
and gave them with a loving heart
that happiness was sure to start.
And in the men’s department
tools all around
made for every kind of job
and some that can’t be found.
There’s a small screw driver
with a lot of paint
he pried reluctant lids off
on how many days.
And here’s one with the handle
full of tiny points.
We found it when we came here
and thought it just a toy,
but it does very tiny jobs
a large one never can
and found it useful sometimes,
a relic of the past.
The tools of yesterday galore
and hard to know what they are for
unless you find an older man
who may remember if he can.
And lots of spare parts such as these
and wondered what they’re meant to be.
And found things meant just for the house
but we never have found out
just what they were or how they’re used
for our background gave no clue.
But we know they’re very old
and interesting, if not well known.
I suppose our things some day
will seem equally as strange
and folks will wonder what to do
with things ordinary to us too.
We can tell you every scratch
that our dog did make
and every mark upon the wall
that got there in some way.
And all the things the kids did use,
hats and mitts and little shoes
and broken toys just lying there
heaven knows beyond repair.
And now they’re grown and have kids too
and do the things we used to do
and collect their memories
of their growing families.
And things that from our family
have come a long, long time,
the silver and the doilies
and pictures we do find.
And wonder of our ancestors
who they were and why,
if we have never met them
but we still admire.
And your memory takes flight
and leads to other shores,
people cluster round about
and those you knew before
in the things you have about
in a very old, old house.
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The Angels of Dawn
The angels of dawn
served in the home
of each coming dawn,
a sculpture of stone.
They brushed the walls clean
and took every care
that everything ready
for one who so fair.
Late at night he came
and rested for a while
preparing for his journey
of many thousand miles.
And when the time arrived
no slightest effort spared,
the angels held the curtain back
as if a curtain there.
And at the stroke of early hour
he raced away, was gone,
a path of clearest light
that would be the dawn.
Speeding down a pathway
as ancient as is time
in newness of a journey
that each found sublime.
The angels in the meanwhile
had greatest happiness
for what each dawn would mean
and people that were blessed.
And as they brushed the walls of stone
and tidied every place
a song within their hearts
carried thru the day.
For soon another dawn
would come and leave again,
a miracle of birth
in the lives of men.
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The Sisterhood of Women
I knew there used to be
not so long ago
a sisterhood of women,
I know that it was so.
And some of it remains
even to this day
when all of us so different
each goes her own way.
I think it is a feeling
of the underdog
we understand so well
and always goes along.
If we take it lightly
or if we’re upset
it always is a factor
in our consciousness.
We may talk above it
or we may talk around
but if we have a husband
no way out is found.
We identify with women in a
basic kind of way
and always do look forward
to what they have to say.
And in different countries
we often feel too
a likeness and a bond
of sisterhood inbued.
We somehow know their life and thoughts,
being very brave,
standing up but never high
as they go their way.
And love them for their courage
as they go along
and for their smile too
encouragement belongs.
And women are more gracious
and are more caring too
about the little things
our life gets wrapped into.
And woman show their feelings
more easily than men
and we can read expressions
and know just what was meant.
Women are consoling
in many different ways
when tragedy has struck us
and we can’t explain.
They may sit in silence
or little things may do
or bring a berry pie
or something just for you.
They have understanding
of feelings, life itself
and when our way gets bleak
always try to help.
They sense when something’s wrong
although you’re being brave
and have a knowing touch
in a quiet sort of way.
The Sisterhood of Women
is rather like a link
of women that we know
and that we like to think.
And many strong are in this bond
and many hopeless too
and many just themselves
regardless what they do.
And often think you’d like to live
in the olden days
when life was much more simple,
direct and easier ways.
We’re proud of the battles behind us
fought in a quiet way,
and never-ending struggle
to overcome our fate.
But we have blessings too
and when our life is good,
happy with its blessings
and things for which it stood.
No one really knows us
but they often guess
what our hopes and worries are,
if they are more or less.
Sometimes we remember
a pretty thin they say
yes for many years,
not for just a day.
And mystery surrounds
exactly what we be,
but it is very simple
for one who knows the key.
And smiles may flow and happiness
from one who holds the key
and we are on track again
to live more happily.
And many talk of children
their whole life does hold
and are the most important
that their life enfolds.
Encouragement’s another
element we find
and often very helpful
to our peace of mind.
And we are very grateful
to one who helps us out
of a mental slump
so we can get about.
The Sisterhood of Women
unlike other things
is really from the heart
which it freely brings.
And a fighting of spirit
in many of us too
for our other sisters
we do oft imbue.
And some of it remains,
the maybe with a glow
of embers that remain
from not so long ago.
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Sometimes an irate husband
really wants to know
exactly what you did all day
while he was on the go.
He listens quite impatiently
to what you have to say –
mopping, sweeping, dusting
and how you spent your day.
Then he starts to question you
of something on his mind,
a tightness gives no leeway
and kindness left behind.
But in this manner sometimes
he gives ideas to you
of things you could have done instead
that he expected to.
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The World Could Have Done Without Me
The world could have done without me
and tho I thought I tried,
mistakes were more than gains
and too many people cried.
A burden to their parents,
a wonder to their friends.
Always walk on ice
as how this tale ends.
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Worlds and More Worlds
Worlds and more worlds…
will there be more
to cast our mistakes on
and other wars.
Time and more time,
will there be more
to lead other lives
beyond those before.
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Take It From Your Parents
Take it from your parents,
good as they may be.
Take what they dish out,
they are authority.
Take it from your husband,
he is lord o’er you,
master of your life
and tell you what to do.
Take it from the government,
they’ll tell you what to do
and make your way quite rough at times,
you’re just a number too.
And when you’re mad at everyone
the sun quite oft breaks thru
with thoughtful little favors
or smiles of I love you.
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How Do Women Stay Lovely
How do women stay lovely
when all their life it seems
is diapers and dishes and dusting
and always have to clean.
It may seem an odd occupation
for ladies as lovely as some
but they shake it off and smile
and we forget what’s done.
They live in a different world,
above the things they do
and always seem as lovely
as any we ever knew.
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Why Is It When We Break An Egg
Why is it when we break an egg
we always want it whole,
even tho we beat it up
inside a waiting bowl.
It causes consternation
if the egg does break
even when it’s seconds
until it’s beat in cake.
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Music is a subject
very large indeed
but touches here and there
are really all we need.
Music is for listening
as the drops of rain
swell up in our soul
with love of God the same.
Music is a tiny reed
made just like a flute
in early morning hours
pick out its tiny tune.
Music is a song
sung just from the heart,
a song of work or sorrow
or singing like a lark.
Beauty in a melody
lyrical and true,
in any mood entrancing
going right thru you.
Sometimes to remember
catches of a tune
whistling them with furrowed brow
from morning until noon.
Then there’s lighter music
to make us happy, gay,
each country having folk songs
that always are that way.
And love songs there are many
that are popular,
ending in the lyric songs
of stage and opera.
Ballads that are lilting
are another one –
carry us in story
and carry us in song.
The instruments are many,
mostly string and wind
and in louder passages
percussion coming in.
Solos for the violin
are technical in skill
with many brilliant passages
added at free will.
Magic in the fingers
and magic in the touch
enrapture those who hear it
in many instruments.
Bells and chimes do add their tones
in several symphonies
being innovative
the audience to please.
And power is shown in drums and horns
to tinkling of a bell
in softness and in loudness
that we know so well.
Music has the power
to make an army march
or start tears of sadness
from a forgiving heart.
Music in cathedrals
can lift us up to God
as centuries of prayer
gathering, never stop
and wring from us the pit
of what religion stands,
and essence of awareness
of life that’s in his hands.
And so a casual walk
or one intensified
are all the many pulses
of music in our life.
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